Saturday, August 16, 2014

Mission Statement: CuttingEdgePersonalFinance Finds its Purpose

I've done a lot of thinking about the path that I want this blog to take. Initially when I started, I thought it would involve posts that fall within a few different categories. Some posts would be devoted to teaching concepts important to personal finance, others would critically examine some popular personal finance advice, and the last category would be reviews of various products and services that can help improve your personal finances. If you've read any other posts on this blog before, you probably quickly came to realize that most of my posts fall in the last of those categories. Those posts excite me the most for various reasons. It seems like there are many other great personal finances blogs out there that have posts that fall into all three categories, but it's the last section where I believe my expertise and interest lies. Plus, I'm supposed to be at the cutting edge, not the uh, other, less up and coming parts of the blade. As a result, this blog is now going to be entirely devoted to reviewing tech products and services that can help you with your personal finances.

I'm excited for this new direction, or more appropriately, a direction I've been trying to take for a while but haven't formalized until this post. I believe the intersection between technology and personal finance has a lot of room for growth, and that we'll see a lot of innovative products in the coming years.

Excited for this new chapter of CuttingEdge, and as always, please share your thoughts in the comments section!

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